Life is messy. Let's accept it. Or at least try.

Life is a roller coaster — at times wild and rough and at others enjoyable and nice. And who doesn't find themselves wishing for the latter, and only experience the nice times.
This blog is a try to brainstorm about everything and nothing — maybe culture, maybe technology, maybe politics. Let's see where writing brings me to. It will probably be messy, without a clear direction or goal. I hope that is serves me as a playground to try out out things, make mistakes and just be playful. And while I am on it, see if I can learn something new — about the world, about myself.
Or as Joan Westenberg said it so nicely: "Who Am I, While the World Burns?"
‘I think it is easy to imagine there are easier paths,’ she said, realising something for the first time. ‘But maybe there are no easy paths. There are just paths. In one life, I might be married. In another, I might be working in a shop. I might have said yes to this cute guy who asked me out for a coffee. In another I might be researching glaciers in the Arctic Circle. In another, I might be an Olympic swimming champion. Who knows? Every second of every day we are entering a new universe. And we spend so much time wishing our lives were different, comparing ourselves to other people and to other versions of ourselves, when really most lives contain degrees of good and degrees of bad.’
Marcelo and Joanna and the other Brazilian guy were staring at her wide-eyed, but she was on a roll now. Freewheeling.
‘There are patterns to life . . . Rhythms. It is so easy, while trapped in just the one life, to imagine that times of sadness or tragedy or failure or fear are a result of that particular existence. That it is a by-product of living a certain way, rather than simply living. I mean, it would have made things a lot easier if we understood there was no way of living that can immunise you against sadness. And that sadness is intrinsically part of the fabric of happiness. You can’t have one without the other. Of course, they come in different degrees and quantities. But there is no life where you can be in a state of sheer happiness for ever. And imagining there is just breeds more unhappiness in the life you’re in.’
The Midnight Library by Matt Haig
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